Daily, store-level sales and market data.
Optimize sales strategy, monitor sell-through, and reduce stock-outs.

Uncover market insights to better position your brand and stay ahead of the competition.
Uncover pricing trends at the state, county, and store level.
Track what’s happening
with daily data from 90%+ of retail stores.
with daily data from 90%+ of retail stores.
Go after competitor’s
shelf space in any
shelf space in any
Brands Pistil

“In my 18 years of Big Beer experience, we had access to state-of-the-art syndicated data tools. Pistil blows the doors off anything I used at Anheuser-Busch or MillerCoors. Pistil is the most dynamic and actionable data tool I have ever seen.”

Charlie Cangialosi,
COO, Old Pal